hello folks,

I'm trying to get RRD to monitore my router output. I got those numbers, i
just wanna graph it.
But I'm gotting problems... check it out pls:

My data should be catch just 1 time per day: i wanna the daily output sum.

So I create something like this:
rrdtool create test.rrd --start 1095130800 --step 86400
DS:output:GAUGE:128800:0:U RRA:LAST:0.5:12:1440

My step is 86400, tha is, my rrd file should be updated 1 time per day.

So the next update time is 1095130800 + 86400 ? Am I right? Couse I run the
follow command:

rrdtool update test.rrd 1095217200:10 1095303600:15

and when I fetch the data ( rrdtool fetch test.rrd LAST) I got:
timestamp output

1095897600: nan
1096934400: nan

I just don't understand this values (1095897600 and 1096934400):
They're not my start + 86400.. they're not 1 day after the first day,
they're 14 days and some hours..

Why I got this??
Can somebody help me?

Thank you all folks,

Giovane Moreira

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