What timezone are you operating in? I would guess that this is 3 hours
of GMT (UTC) (3 * 60 * 60 = 10800)
I have a similar problem as I am operating EST which is 4 hours away
from UTC. As such all my boundary points appear at 20:00

The explanation has been posted several times as to the reasons why this
happens, along with some of the possible work arounds (im not trying to
be deliberately unhelpful by not explaining any further but somebody
more knowledgeable then me can probably do a better job.... Try
searching for timezone) 

However I would again like to raise the question of future versions of
RRD possibly being flexible around specifying the origin for each RRD
via the start parameter of rrdcreate rather then simply being based on
step multiples from the unix epoch (which is measured in GMT/UTC).    

Having watched this archive for the last several months this is seems to
be a common query especially as RRD becomes more global.... Each time
the same work around are submitted about having twenty-four 1 hour
consolidated data points and people re-engineering their database from
there.  Myself included (Thank you Alex for the initial help) although I
still have not managed to take advantage of all the consolidation  and
round-robin functions in any other timezone apart from GMT!

Anyway apologies to Giovane for not being extremely helpful but I would
be interested in a wider discussion especially with some of the core
architects as these guys are the genius' behind this stuff.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Giovane Moreira
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 3:14 PM
To: rrd-users@list.ee.ethz.ch
Subject: [rrd-users] CAN SOMEBODY PLS HELP ME?


It looks insane. I create a rrd file like this:

rrdtool create dados.rrd --start 1095130800 --step 86400
DS:download:GAUGE:86400:0:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:400 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:30:100

My start is 1095130800 , midnight of 09/14/04. And my step is 86400, 1
day in seconds. So my next update data should be 09/15/04 (1095217200).

But when I update my file, there is a difference of 10800 seconds from
time I suppose be correct (1095217200) and the updated point
(1095292800). Why I got this when I type rrdtool fetch dados.rrd AVERAGE
--start 1095217200
|more ?

1095292800: nan
1095379200: nan
1095465600: nan

... and then goes.

Why there is 10800 diff???
Pls help me!

Giovane Moreira

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