On Sun, Nov 14, 2004 at 07:40:02PM +0000, Michael Thompson wrote:

> > The difference between each reading is not something you want to
> > use rrdtool for.  For these kind of applications you should choose
> > sql, access, or even a flat file.
> >
> Is that not what DERIVE Should do?

Yes, that is not what derive should do.

***EVERYTHING*** is a rate as far as rrdtool is concerned.

counter,derive,gauge determine how to transform the input into a rate.

> > If you want to see a rate, an amount of rejects per second, then rrdtool
> > is the tool to use.
> That is exactly what I am trying to do, but accuracy is important.
> >
> > RTFM rrdgraph, stuff about units-exponent
> I have RTFM, and the units-exponent is'nt helping. It is the accuracy that I 
> need help with. 

No, it was "m" and "k" and such that you also wanted help with. 
If you remove context from a quote, please also remove my answers.

> I have the following Perl Script 


If you really expect me to debug your program, please hire me.

>  Now this _does_ work, with one problem, the values are all wrong. 

The values are probably all right.  Your interpretation is all wrong.

You want an answer?  You'd better follow the following guidelines!
Linesize well below 80 chars. Reply to the list, not to me. Trim
irrelevant lines. Reply _below_ the relevant lines, not on top.

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