
Imagine I have an RRD that contains different RRAs, one daily RRA (containing 
24 rows), one weekly RRA (containing 7 rows), a monthly row (containing 28 
rows) etc.



Okay, now I want to use the fetch function to extract the data that lies within 
my RRD, and I say 


Rrdtool fetch database.rrd --start last_millennium --end now > myfile.txt


(ok there is nothing like last_millennium, but imagine I wanted to extract data 
that is far, far away from "now").



I end up with a file myfile.txt that contains only information in the lowest 
time resolution (that is, timestemps are pretty far apart from each other), 
although there COULD be a higher resolution the closer it comes to the latest 
points of time (that is, coming closer to "now").


So my file looks like this





Declaration of Variables

Low time resolution from point of time "last_millennium"

Low time resolution from point of time "last_week"

Low time resolution from point of time "a bit before "now""




It could like this, but doesn't:





Declaration of Variables

Low time resolution from point of time "last_millennium"

Medium time resolution from point of time "last_week"

High time resolution from point of time "a bit before "now""




Rrdtool could fetch data from the higher-resolution RRAs, but rrdtool only 
takes the lowest-resolution RRA to extract data from a given period of time 
(although it could do better) when using the fetch command.


Maybe you understand what my problem is.


Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?






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