On 4/12/05, Martin Schuster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I tried your perl line: Heres my result:
> >
> > # perl -n -e 'printf ("%s %s\n", $1, $2) if (s/(\d{9,10}) .*
> > ([\d.e+\-]{16})/)'    \
> >
> should have tested it :)
> drop that "s", i.e.  ... if (/(\d ...

Thanks for the line of code. Now i dont have errors. =)

> > How do you convert your values ? I get an exponential values in XML
> > file using the rrdtool dump.
> >
> You mean "values in scientific notation", with the E?
> try "%s %f\n" instead of "%s %s\n"
> or  "%s %d\n" if you want integers

I also check these two options. And theres no errors too. However when
I checked the file.txt, the file was empty.

Any Ideas? Sorry again for the newbie question, Im not into perl =(.

Do I need to extract first the dumpfile from rrdtool dump, then parsed
into a file? Then use ur code ?

Thanks in advance.


Emmanuel Muncal, ECE

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