On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 11:01:20AM -0400, Marc Bilodeau wrote:
> You're right about the order of variables. It was a typo!.
> I tried your recommendation and still I get the error message:
> ERROR while updating 21.rrd: expected 2 data source readings (got 576)

That means you have the equivalent of:

rrdtool update file.rrd time1:1:time2:2:time3:3:time4:4:...

You want:

rrdtool update file.rrd time1:1 time2:2 time3:3 time4:4 ...

Another approach would be to use the remote command method:

have a file:

 update file.rrd time1:1
 update file.rrd time2:2
 update file.rrd time3:3
 update file.rrd time4:4

or this one:
 update file.rrd time1:1 time2:2
 update file.rrd time3:3 time4:4

and pipe it through rrdtool:

<filename rrdtool -

or, winning the useless use of cat award:

cat filename | rrdtool -

or, if it works (I don't know) on DOS:

type filename.txt | rrdtool.exe -


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