oops forgot attachments.
>>> "John Barber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/28/2005 7:35:46 AM >>>
I recently moved my website to a Windows2003 server from a WindowsXP
that I was using for testing.

Now for some reason rrdcgi seems to be cutting off part of the HTML
from the end of the .rrdcgi file.
I searched thru the list archives but wasn't able to find anything,
maybe I'm not searching for the right thing.

I've attached the original .rrdcgi as original.txt and the result as

I've tried playing with some things to try to see what was causing it.

removing white space seemed to change the amount that was being left
off. I tried removing all the Javascript, that didn't seem to change
I also noticed it was removing the first line as well which was the
opening HTML tag, I just added a blank line to correct that.

Anyone else had this problem?

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-- Attached file removed by Ecartis and put at URL below --
-- Type: text/html
-- Size: 3k (3651 bytes)
-- URL : http://lists.ee.ethz.ch/p/original.txt

-- Attached file removed by Ecartis and put at URL below --
-- Type: text/html
-- Size: 3k (3109 bytes)
-- URL : http://lists.ee.ethz.ch/p/result.txt

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