Hello *!
Monitoring hundreds of nodes with the help of rrdtool is fun and so I decided
it is time to upgrade from 1.0.49 to 1.2.11. Everything worked well (compiled 
from the source
tarball) but my perl script to produce nifty pictures now starts complaining 
numerous errors. Checking the script and it seems that the perl module RRDs
bundled with the new version is _really_ picky about trailing white spaces in 
statements. E.g.

"DEF:load15=$DataDir"."/".$host."/load.rrd:load15:AVERAGE "

Error:Cannot parse CF in 
'DEF:load15=/home/www/systems/node064/load.rrd:load15:AVERAGE '


"CDEF:lw=up,idlecpu,+ "

results in:

Error:invalid rpn expression in: up,idlecpu,+

Hmmm ... I guess trailing spaces in _these_ statements will produce
no confusion (and with rrdtool <1.2.11 (<1.2.x?) this whitespace is not
considered as an error).

Furthermore it now starts complaining about statements like this:

"COMMENT:Maximum: "

this produces this error:

Error:Garbage ': ' after command: COMMENT:Maximum:

Similar entries in AREA statements will produce:

(e.g. "AREA:procurfport16in#00ff00:Incoming traffic: ")

Garbage found where STACK expected

But this could be solved by escaping the colon like this:

"AREA:procurfport16in#00ff00:Incoming traffic\\: "

But this doesn't work with the errors generated by the COMMENT statement :/

Can I consider this behaviour as a bug? Or is it this the intended behaviour?

Does anybody out there has a clue/workaround for this?

Many thanks in advance,


P.S.: Have a nice weekend anyway ;)

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Maus             science+computing ag
System Administration               Hagellocher Weg 71-75
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   72070 Tuebingen, Germany
tel.: +49 7071 9457 456             www.science-computing.de

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