> Oh, I forgot:
> DEF_total_out_bytes=CEF:total_out_bytes=$(rrddir)/total.rrd:ou
> t_bytes:AVERAGE
> ...........
> CDEF_total_Mbps=CDEF:total_Mbps=total_bytes,.000008,*


it's a bit of a mess and it would take me an hour to get it straight
this way.
There still are definitions that are unknown.

- sometimes there's a reference to xsubnet_... that isn't defined
- somehow some variables switched from ... to ..._pct
- some subnet_... variables are not defined

Can you set it straight and translate the command to something that can
be run
on the command line like:

rrdtool graph /tmp/test.png -s -1d \
 DEF:total_out_bytes=/dir/total.rrd:out_bytes:AVERAGE \
 DEF:total_in_bytes=/dir/total.rrd:in_bytes:AVERAGE \
 CDEF:total_bytes=total_out_bytes,total_in_bytes,+ \
 <fill this in>
 GPRINT:subnet_Mbps_pct:AVERAGE:'subnet Mbps (BYTES*0.000008) %lf' \
 GPRINT:div_Mbps_pct:AVERAGE:'subnet/TOTAL Mbps %lf'


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