Alex van den Bogaerdt schrieb:
> On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 07:54:13AM +0200, Lemmermann, Jan wrote:
>> It contains a storage description (octet string) that I like to use to label 
>> the values in the graph.
>> Index - Description - MB Size - MB Used
>> 1 - A:\ - 0 - 0
>> 2 - C:\ - 24450 - 3880
>> and on a solaris box it can look like this:
>> Index - Description - MB Size - MB Used
>> 3 - / - 24680 - 1750
>> 11 - /home - 5658 - 1291
> Just to make sure I understand you: With "octet string" you mean
> "A:\" and "/export/home" and such?
> Typically these would be set from the calling script, not from
> within RRDtool itself.  RRDtool doesn't even have knowledge on
> this; RRDtool just stores numberic values.
> Your script should take care of proper quoting of the string; colons
> and backslashes have special meaning. Then it's just a matter of
> setting a variable (outside RRDtool) and using that variable in your
> graph script; it is substituted before RRDtool gets to see it.

my understanding is close to yours. As I'm quite involved with cacti, an
rrdtool frontend, I'd like to direct Jan to and the
forums at There are templates, that support
those disk usage thingies. They store the"description" of the disk in a
mysql table and create "dynamic" rrdtool graph statements providing the
according "description" as a title or the like.

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