I'm using RRDTool to collect and graph filtered Netflow data. I have set 
it up with 4 MRTG-like RRAs, and I produce new graphs every 5 minutes. I 
have VDEFs for MAX, MIN, AVG, 95th PCT. These print out for each of the 
four graphs nicely, with the exeception that on the final graph (the one 
that shows 24 hour averages per day) the units (Mbits/second) are in 
Bits/second and are very large and hard to read. I notice the 95th PCT is 
Has anyone seen this effect before?

Thanks, Joe

RRD file set up:

     $rrdtool_command =   "$rrdtool_bin_directory/rrdtool create 
$rrdtool_file ".
                          "--step 300 ".
                          "--start $start_rrd ".
                          "DS:flowbits:GAUGE:600:U:U ".
                          "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600 ".
                          "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:700 ".
                          "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:775 ".
                          "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:797 ".
                          "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:600 ".
                          "RRA:MAX:0.5:6:700 ".
                          "RRA:MAX:0.5:24:775 ".

Graphing command:

      RRDs::graph   "$graph_file", 
                    "COMMENT:$sample   ", 
                    "COMMENT:     95th percentile    ", 
                    "GPRINT:flowbitspct:%6.2lf %Sbps ", 
                    "COMMENT:             Maximum    ", 
                    "GPRINT:flowbitsmax:%6.2lf %Sbps ", 
                    "COMMENT:             Average    ",
                    "GPRINT:flowbitsavg:%6.2lf %Sbps ",
                    "COMMENT:             Minimum    ",
                    "GPRINT:flowbitsmin:%6.2lf %Sbps ";

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