VladoPortos wrote:

>Scripts are here
>http://vladoportos.bancodata.eu/ram.txt  - show free ram
>http://vladoportos.bancodata.eu/test.txt - show temperatures
>in cron they are writted as:
>0-59/1 * * * *   root    /home/ram.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
>0-59/1 * * * *   root    /home/test.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
>all scripts, graphs,rrds are located in /home
>what it does can be seen here:
>notice that holes....

Looking at one of the scripts, I see this :

if [ ! -s $DATABAZA ] ; then
rrdtool create --step 60 $DATABAZA \
DS:mem_used:GAUGE:60:0:1553384 \
DS:swap_used:GAUGE:60:0:506036 \

If I read that correctly (someone correct me if I'm wrong), the 
heartbeat is 60 seconds, which means that if your update arrives at 
61 seconds then you've missed a sample and it stores NaN.

Although you run the scripts at 1 minute intervals, they will not 
actually submit results at EXACTLY 60 second intervals - in practice 
updates are going to be 60s +/- a bit of variation.

I suggest using a longer heartbeat, probably 2 or 3 minutes.


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