On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 04:10:39PM +0200, ricardo rey wrote:
>  am looking for help with a rrdtool data base.    
>   I want to create a graphic with the data of the mail I am receiving daily 
> sent by exim. With that purpose I created a script that allows me to take 
> data from that mail and put it in the rrdtool data base, but  I am not 
> obtaining the exact values on the graphic. 
>   When I executed rrdtool fetch mx.rrd AVERAGE |  LAST  | MIN | MAX I neither 
> obtain the exact values I am introducing.
>   I also tried to insert data manually with
>   rrdtool update mx.rrd N:dato:dato
>   But I only obtained the right graphic with the first data and after that 
> the problem remains the same.

Two frequently seen problems (problem at your end, not rrdtool)

#1: GAUGE data means you are inputing a ***rate***.

So, if you input the number "1", and you are doing so exactly
86400 seconds after the last time you did an update, you are
telling RRDtool that during the last 86400 seconds, on average
one message was received every second.

In other words: inputting "1" means you got 86400 messages in
this example.

#2: Normalization

You don't store data in an RRD.  You tell the tool what data
you've seen, and rrdtool normalizes it into standard intervals.
Only if you input your data at exactly the right time, this
normalization step is a no-op.  The input is NOT available to
the user.  If you want that, use mysql or something similar.

For more information see the documentation, the tutorials, the
mail list archives, and my site.

Alex van den Bogaerdt

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