On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 11:37:15AM -0400, Ruttenberg, Tanya wrote:
Hi Tanya.
> I *do* think it seems more like a buffering issue than an xport issue as
> I said.

> I think I must have first tried RRDs::xport first. I wonder why I didn't
> use it?  
> I still think xport seems kind of messy--you have to wade through all
> that XML to get your data.  But if noone has a different suggestion I
> will go back to trying RRDs::xport.
Note: If you use RRDs::xport you don't have to parse XML.

RRSs::xport returns an array with all the information you need.

I posted sample code some months ago. Search for "Re: rrd fetch and RPN"
or look directly at: http://lists.ee.ethz.ch/rrd-users/msg11005.html

(Hint: You can also take a look at shared-demo.pl which ships
with rrdtool - at least in the .tar.gz).



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