
I get wrong (rounded) data with the rrdfetch command.

I will show this with an example:

*creation of database:*
rrdtool create /tmp/test.rrd --start 1177497000 --step 900 
DS:teststat:ABSOLUTE:1500:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:8640

*insert data:*
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177497900:45000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177498800:54000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177499700:72000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177500600:108000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177501500:117000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177502400:54000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177503300:45000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177504200:45000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177505100:45000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177506000:45000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177506900:45000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177507800:54000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177508700:54000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177509600:54000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177510500:54000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177511400:54000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177512300:54000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177513200:54000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177514100:36000000000
rrdtool update /tmp/test.rrd 1177515000:5400000000

*fetch command:*
rrdtool fetch /tmp/test.rrd AVERAGE
1177497900:  5.0000000000e+07
1177498800:  6.0000000000e+07
1177499700:  8.0000000000e+07
1177500600:  1.2000000000e+08
1177501500:  1.3000000000e+08
1177502400:  6.0000000000e+07
1177503300:  5.0000000000e+07
1177504200:  5.0000000000e+07
1177505100:  5.0000000000e+07
1177506000:  5.0000000000e+07
1177506900:  5.0000000000e+07
1177507800:  6.0000000000e+07
1177508700:  6.0000000000e+07
1177509600:  6.0000000000e+07
1177510500:  6.0000000000e+07
1177511400:  6.0000000000e+07
1177512300:  6.0000000000e+07
1177513200:  6.0000000000e+07
1177514100:  4.0000000000e+07
1177515000:  6.0000000000e+06

e.g. I get 1.3000000000e+08 where I have inserted 117000000000

Is this normal? What should I do to correct this problem?

thanks & best regards,

PS: I have the same problem with the rrddump command.

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