On Nov 27, 2007 2:52 PM, Christos Vasilakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I would like to ask the list if the rrd file created on a linux
> machine can be read on a MacosX system? At least in practice it
> worked. But is there anything that I miss here or overlook considering
> the fact that rrd files are machine dependent.


Was the Mac OSX system an Intel-based system (one of the new macs)?  I
would expect that Mac OSX on x86 to generate identical rrd files as
Linux on x86 (since they are both UNIX variants on the same platform).

I expect that rrd files from OSX on a PowerPC platform (e.g., G4's)
would be different from/incompatible with rrd files from OSX on x86
platform.  The important difference is the hardware platform rather
than the OS.  This is not a guarantee that rrds from different OSes on
the same platform are compatible, but it's reasonably likely since the
hardware platform determines Endianness and floating point formats.


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