On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 09:51:16PM +0100, H?ttmann, Holger wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for my question iam a Neebie on linux.
> I have install Bigsister. It is a Network Monitor it works fine. But when i 
> will see the Graphs it not display me the 
> Data from the line. I Date and procent (sorry for my english)
> Can anybody help me and give me the correct Order to repair my system?
Hi Holger.

No offense, but would you mind asking Bigsister related questions
on the Bigsister Mailinglist?
-> http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=14120

BTW, because Bigsister isn't display anything doen't mean your
system is broken ;)

So long,


Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Maus             science+computing ag
System Administration               Hagellocher Weg 73
tel.: +49 7071 9457 671             72070 Tuebingen, Germany
fax: +49 7071 9457 411              www.science-computing.de

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