
I have an another (last) question.

When i use a xff of 0.8 for the frequency 5 minutes, the rrdtool does not
calculate correctly the average if the there is only one value.

For example, if i have the values : 4 Nan Nan Nan Nan
The stored value for 5 minutes is 4 (4/1) instead of 4/5.

Is it normal and is there a solution ?

Sam had talk about a solution to "collect and batch several RRD updates to
run at once" but i do not find the information in the archive list. Could
you indicate me the method.


2008/2/4, Gwenael Lahay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> To be more concrete, i use rrd files to store data extracted by the tool
> Flowscan.
> The tool calculates the bits/sec and packets/sec on a network.
> I store this result in rrd files (the tool calculate the average for 1
> minutes).
> For the moment, i use this parameters :
> step 60
> DS:bytes:ABSOLUTE:300:0:U
> DS:pkts:ABSOLUTE:300:0:U
> DS:flows:ABSOLUTE:300:0:U
> and
> RRA:AVERAGE:0:1:4320
> RRA:AVERAGE:0.8:5:2016
> RRA:AVERAGE:0.94:15:2976
> Flowscan tool returns only values different to zero.
> If there is no data, it means that there is no flow on the network (zero
> value).
> do i use correct parameters ?
> 2008/2/4, Fabien Wernli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > On Sun, Feb 03, 2008 at 06:48:06PM +0100, Gwenael Lahay wrote:
> > > I update my rrd file to put zero values because my rrd file stores 3
> > > frequency of the same data.
> >
> > and only one of the 3 gets updated at any one time?
> >
> > > correctly the average value for 5 minutes and half and hour.
> > > For example, i have the following value for a 5 minutes interval :
> > > NaN 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN
> > > The program store a NaN data for this 5 minutes interval.
> >
> > so what is Nan: the measure (rrdtool fetch output) or your calculation
> > (rrdtool graph) or both?
> > If you manually calculate the average between frequencies, you may wanna
> > play with RPN IF expressions to check for nan values
> >
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