What I do in this case is write scripts that write scripts.

For example if I have a bunch of similar devices , but each device has
a different number of variables, I write a script that writes an
rrdcgi for each device.

Most recently is was brightmail spam bucket graphs.  I have 11 dcs
each with a different number of brightmail devices. For each
datacentre write an rrdcgi that aggregates whatever the number of
brightmail devices are in that datacentre.

It's not as elegant as say a single script that you use for all
datacentres , but it does get the job done.

On a related note has anyone played around with squeezing lots of
cdefs in one graph? My big datacentres segfault with complicated
graphs. So for example if I add 40 points together and plot the sum it
works, but if I stack all those points it falls over.

Do I need to break out gdb and strace or have I tell rrd "I'm going to
feed you a lot of data, be prepared"?

(A la jvm xmx xms?)


On 6/3/11, m_elias <m_el...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> I'd like to create a graph creation subroutine that allows for a dynamic or
> variable number of DEF and CDEF. What I mean by dynamic is, that some graphs
> will have 6 DEFs, some will have 13, the perl script would set the number of
> cycles for the for..next loop which would be within the RRDs module call.
> Any suggestions on how to do this? I have been unsuccessful in figuring it
> out myself. Or do I have to pass command line arguments instead of using the
> RRDs module?
> --
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