

I'm puzzled by my results when extracting data from an RRD which stores
power usage in kW from several sensors. They are spot values and are not
constantly increasing like a router byte counter. This is RRD 1.2 on
Windows x86 by the way.


The RRD definition is this.... 


rrdtool create kwh.rrd --start N --step 300 









Which as I understand it should maintain the data with two averages for
each sensor. 

One average should be for every 5 minutes for 105120 samples (approx 1
years worth)

The other should store 1hrly for 43800 samples (approx 5 years worth)


The data collection has been running since approx May 2010 so I was
expecting to be able to dump either 5min averages (back to Jun 12ish
2010 - a yrs worth) or the full 1hrly averages right back to May 2010. I
realise its averaged data and not actual data values - thats fine.


If I dump the data using RRDTOOL DUMP I can see all the data as I expect
it. (5 min and 1 hr intervals all ok)


The problem I am having is getting the data exported using RRDTOOL XPORT
- no matter what step I give it seems to be in 36000 steps and I cant
get either 5 min or 1hr steps.......


The output command I'm using is (eg)


rrdtool xport -s Jan_1 -e Jun_6 --step 300
DEF:graze=kwh.rrd:graze_0:AVERAGE XPORT:graze:graze


Which gets me this



step: 36000

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>



































Why is the step size so large? I'm sure I'm doing something stupid .....










Dave Whitehead | IT & Telecomms Manager | Marwell Wildlife | Colden
Common | Winchester | SO21 1JH

( Direct: +44 (0)1962 777930 | Mob: +44 (0)7881 408657 +
da...@marwell.org.uk <mailto:da...@marwell.org.uk>  : www.marwell.org.uk


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