Am 15.06.2011 15:42, schrieb Tobias Oetiker:
> Hi Karl,
> Today Karl Fischer wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm using rrdtool since a couple of years now and just recently
>> stumbled into this trap:
>> I attempted to create a rrd with more than 32 DS using RRDs::create
>> and failed. Doing the same with 'rrdtool create' on the cmdline worked.
>> I did not attempt to analyze this any further and before I do
>> so I'd like to know if there is a known limitation in rrdtool?
>> I couldn't find anything in the documentation so far.
> if there was such a limit, it would be a bug ... further analysis
> is certainly worth the effort.
> cheers
> tobi

Thanks Tobi,

of course I can't reproduce the behavior now that I'm looking for it. argh!
I have no idea which limit I may have had hit but I'll keep an eye on it.

- Karl

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