
Is this file located on a NFS share ?
Usually this error occurs when accessing RRD files
located on a NFS mounted filesystem.

If it is coming from a NFS mounted filesystem you have
to talk to your administrator to fix the NFS locking.



On 10/05/11 19:59, Caio Brentano wrote:
> Hello all
> I'm facing a lock problem in my software...
> Sometimes, when the script tries to update a file, it return this message: 
> "could not lock RRD".
> If I make a copy of the file, I can update it normally!
> So, while I don't discover what is the problem, I'm doing this:
> $ cp file.rrd file.rrd.new
> $ rrdtool update file.rrd.new <DATA>
> $ mv  file.rrd.new  file.rrd
> I'm using python 2.4, python-rrdtool-1.4.5 and rrdtool-1.4.5.
> Does anyone have faced any similiar issue?
> Regards
> --
> Caio Brentano
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