
I recently did some work with the PHP PECL bindings of RRDTool and
created a small Apache Log Viewer which can be seen in action at


While the log viewer (and the full PHP PECL bindings) work perfectly I
still have a small issue with the numbers: If there's only 0.001 req/s
it should stick with req/s at least. Or in other words: I want RRDTool
to only use the units with exponents greater than or equal to zero; not
those fractional ones like milli and micro. Any hint what to put into
the format string for GPRINT to do this?


P.S.: RRDTool scales quite nicely: The detailed status code graph for
all domains comes in at about 10k parameters provided via the API (8500
for DEF+CDEFs, 1500 for AREAs+VDEFs+GPRINTs).

P.P.S.: There has been a release of an updated RRDTool PHP binding which
can be found at http://blog.benny-baumann.de/?p=1192 The link also
contains some example code on who to use this PHP extension as well as
the small demo log viewer from above.

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