On 09/19/2012 11:30 PM, Steve Shipway wrote:
> I've seen this error several times before.  It seems to be when the
> axis step is less than the label precision (so the lines are at 1.1G,
> 1.2G, etc but the labels are being displayed to 0 decimal places so
> they all appear as 1G); it can happen for very small values as well,
> and on either axis.
> Though I recognise the issue, I can't help out with a solution :(.

In an older version of rrdtool (1.4.3) I have also noticed that if I 
just add a plain "--right-axis 1:0" the units on the right axis will not 
(always) match the units on the left axis.  I haven't had a chance to 
try that on 1.4.7 though.

rick jones

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