I believe you say that the following two examples result in different 

example 1:
rrdtool update $filename $time1:$rate1 $time2:$rate2 $time3:$rate3 
$time4:$rate4 $time5:$rate5

example 2:
rrdtool update $filename $time1:$rate1
rrdtool update $filename $time2:$rate2
rrdtool update $filename $time3:$rate3
rrdtool update $filename $time4:$rate4
rrdtool update $filename $time5:$rate5

where each variable in example 1 is the same in example 2.

I'm very curious for the actual numbers you used and the different outcome.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Copperfield" <cao2...@yahoo.com>
To: <rrd-users@lists.oetiker.ch>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 9:57 AM
Subject: [unsure] [rrd-users] How rrdtool will work if there are two or more 
sample points in one time step


I am new to wonderful RRD world, and got confused by the question:

Let's say my rrd file's time step is set 300 seconds, but my sample script 
sends data every 60 seconds and update the rrd file 5 times (300/60) in each 
60 seconds interval. What the final data will show up in the rrd file?

I got bothered by the question, and tried to simulate the case but got even 
more confused.

It turns out that if I run rrdtool update <file> time1:value1 time2:value2 
.... time5:value5 in one command, then I got a average of the 5 values 
(GAUGE type variable for simplicity), but if I run 5 'rrdtool update 
<time:value>' at each interval, then the value is of no rules to follow.

Any experienced please shed a light here. Thanks a lot.



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