Hi Alex,

--- On Tue, 2/19/13, Alex van den Bogaerdt <a...@vandenbogaerdt.nl> wrote:
> Then graph from mon 06:00 to 10:00. 4 hours, should be 48
> times 300 seconds. 
> Set the image width to 480 pixels.
> I expect to see images that jump from rate to rate every 10
> pixels.
> Provide the output of an rrdtool dump, but please only the
> relevant parts 
> (again: 06:00 to 10:00)
> Add some output to your graphs. min, avg and max.

Everything done except the min avg and max output, i've never done that so i 
need some more time to figure that out.
However, the rest is now located here: http://ernstagn.home.xs4all.nl/rrd
Beware that the script creates/removes some files, be careful if you run it in 
a directory that already contains other stuff.

> Let's tackle this problem :) 

Best regards,

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