> Yes. I have cloned the github branch 1.4 (v 1.4.8) and compiled rrdtool
> rrdlib with Visual Studio 2013.

This may be a quirk of the MSVC sscanf implementation not correctly handling
the locale change?  It sets LC_NUMERIC but possibly under Windows you need
to set LOCALE or LC_ALL for it to take effect, or it might not even honour
locale at all...  I notice you're in *.de so probably your locale has
decimal separator as a comma.  I've not tried it under Windows at all; if
you have time, you might like to try setting your locale to UK and see if it
suddenly works.  If you can do some debugging on it to track down what's
going on it would probably be best, might end up with a patch for Tobi...


Steve Shipway

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