i have problems with a graph.
i want to show the state of a switch (0 = Off, 1 = 1, 2=2, 3=3) via the AREA commad. but in my graph the area is empty sometimes.
Here is my code:
  "AREA:stufe0_flag#7c6767:Stufe 0 AUS \\t",
  "AREA:stufe1_flag#98FB98:Stufe 1 \\t",
  "AREA:stufe2_flag#fafa78:Stufe 2 \\t",
  "AREA:stufe3_flag#fd6969:Stufe 3 \\t",
  "AREA:bypass_flag#ffe0e0:Bypass offen \\l",
  "LINE2:wrgZu#000000:WRG - zuluftseitig (in % )",
  "GPRINT:wrgZulast:     JETZT \%.1lf
When look into the xml exported rrd database i can see that the right values ("1") is stored continouly in the database, so i see no reaseon why i have interrupts in the green background of the graph.
How can helpme out or explain why i have emtpy sections in my graph ?
Here is the graph: http://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=6lxz5otgz81.gif
thank you,
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