Daniel Schlifka <schli...@geekpit.org> wrote:

> I have a little comprehension question, i'm still struggling/fighting with 
> rrdtool graph.
> Today i tried to create an empty line within the plotted graphs legend(to 
> separate two lines of text optically).
> Following older ML records and StackOverflow Threads i found some variants to 
> achieve that.
> i.e. "COMMENT:\n" && COMMENT:" " && COMMENT:"\n" && COMMENT:"\s\n"
> Unfortunately none of these worked for me. I tried in different variations 
> without success.
> What interestingly did the trick was:
> COMMENT:"\t\n"
> So here's the question - is the related to how COMMENT handle strings? Are 
> linebreaks considered as part of the string or does COMMENT fail because it 
> considers the 0x0a as terminator and therefore not part of the string(unlike 
> tab) and "believes" there is nothing to print?
> Another theory would be this has nothing to do with rrdtool but is caused by 
> some bash-expansion.

The latter sounds a likely issue. Checking a script from the past, I see I've 
used these lines in BASH scripts :
COMMENT:\"            min      ave      max      last\n\"
COMMENT:\"  Data to ${PrintedTime}\n\

It may be something specific to my scripts, in these cases it was a matter of 
doing :
echo "<load of RRD stuff>" | /usr/bin/rrdcgi --filter - 2>&1 > /dev/null
where <loads of RRD stuff> could amount to thousands of lines of script 
generated output !

It's was a long time ago that I wrote those scripts, one thing I do recall was 
struggling at times to get the right quoting for quote marks.

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