> What about traffic engineering? Will a loc/id split "solve" traffic
> engineering (which is normally done by leaking longer prefixes today),
> and if so, how?

No, but as we've discussed before, traffic engineering through deaggregation
is a self-inflicted problem.  When ISPs feel that this is worth addressing,
I'm sure that we'll see requests for prefix scoping or longer prefix
filtering.  Or even retraction of longest-match.
> I understand you can "map" the id to the locator you'd prefer to bring
> the traffic in through, but does that truly solve the traffic
> engineering problem unless you also have one locator per possible exit
> point (customer/edge pair) for every (transit) network in the world, and
> does this actually scale better than what we have today? IE, what's the
> incentive to aggregate locators, vs the incentive for de-aggregating
> locators, or even assigning tons of locators because, "well, it's free
> to advertise a locator, and the table is really small, so..."

More to the point, it will simply be against policy to get PI allocations.


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