> Was the initial/primary goal in regard to mobility? I don't think so.
> It was to multi-homing.
> With multi-homing situation, I don't think we're so much sensitively
> concerned with breakage of TCP connections.

Disagree strongly.  People multi-home for service reliability, both inbound
and outbound.  They use PI because when there is a failure, routing will
reconverge and sessions will continue.

> Would you please compare the performance quality of the current
> Internet (assuming use of only PA addresses, not PI) against ILNP in
> terms of routing scalability?

? That's assuming the solution.  The whole point is to wean the Internet
from PI.

> And please be kind to elaborate more why ILNP would outperform the
> current Internet
>    - with ILNP hosts seamlessly transitioning/failover across multiple
> Locators
>    - against old hosts transitioning across multiple PA addresses.

Old hosts don't transition.


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