Last year Ireceived an email from Joel Halpern by which he proclaimed TARA does 
not work,PAR FORCE, unless I submitted a draft. Well, so  I did submit 
draft-hummel-tara-00.txt which has now successfullyexpired. During its lifetime 
I received no single comment which showed thatTARA does not work. Hence, I like 
to add: TARA works par force. 
Myself I doknow that TARA works as sure as a²+b²=c² according to Pythagoras, 
because Iknow that all my algorithms work. 
In the pastI also was told that the TARA objectives are not persuasive enough:
Neither theelimination of the scalability problem (getting rid of prefix 
building,stopping reachability info dissemination, stopping collecting paths 
(needing noRIBs), nor the increased speed (1 table offset for getting the next 
hop – bothfor the best next hop as well as any temporary alternative), nor the 
improvedrouting capabilities (by providing 100 % orientation such that endless 
loopswill  be safely disabled even whiledetouring via more remote routers), nor 
the new capabilities like well-scoped broadcast, state-less multicast, northe 
way to make distributed denial-of-service attacks ineffective, nor theenabling 
of well scoped traffic load notifications towards the upstreamsurrounding, nor 
its help to make the IPv4 address depletion a non-issue, etc.etc. 
Over thelast eight years I have tried many times to fan discussions about the 
IETFrouting paradigms themselves which I consider to be the true causes for a) 
thescalability problem and b) for having a such under-performing network 
layerthat only “try-and-see” driven efforts like shim6, conex, rtgwg,… do/can 
evolvebased on them.  In vain: all attemptswere blocked by common silence, 
either due to lack of arguments or because theyare right par force 
–particularly prefix building. Lixia would favour smarterprefix building, but 
how can something be made smarter, if it is the oppositeof smartness?
One lastword about Hierarchical Routing (HR): I opposed Dima Krioukov’s critics 
on HR’sbad stretch behavior. But he was right wrt. that kind of  HR that has no 
scrolling capability. HoweverTARA (just like Google’s route planner which has 
caught up with TARA meanwhile)does not fall under this category.
AproposPythagoras. He was the first man (570 B.C.) who propagated that the 
earth is aball. 
About 2000years passed until Christopher Columbus utilized this knowledge and 
sailed Westin order to get East. That was about 500 years ago. My conclusion: 
It will takeabout 2000 - 500 = 1500 years until the IETF will realize that this 
planet is a balland that Columbus-routing is a real and appropriate option. 
According tocurrent BGP however, this planet is as flat as a pancake and its 
masterpiecealgorithm won’t enable paths where, by going to more and more remote 
routers,you may get to some turning point from whereon you will get closer and 
closerto your destination. Neither today nor in 1500 years!  .
So I canonly encourage the young students to disbelieve in all these rescue 
attemptslike LISP or ILNP whose goal is to restore rather than to reform.

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