El lun, 06 de ago de 2007, a las 11:52:28 -0500, David Chelimsky dijo:
> On 8/6/07, Gaston Ramos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I'm trying this in my helper spec and it didn't work:
> >
> > @curr_odontogram.should_receive('photos[1]').and_return(@photo)
> >
> > and the error is:
> >
> > SyntaxError in 'PersonHelper Deberia devolverme un link para eliminar una 
> > foto'
> > compile error
> > /home/gramos/src/rails/r-dental/config/../vendor/plugins/rspec/lib/spec/mocks/proxy.rb:99:
> > syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting '\n' or ';'
> >           def photos[1](*args, &block)
> >
> > does anyone have a good solution for this?
> >
> > the complete code of the helper:
> >
> > http://pastie.caboo.se/85287
> >
> > the complete code of the spec helper:
> >
> > http://pastie.caboo.se/85289
> This is ruby magic causing confusion. When you call foo.photos[1],
> you're actually calling foo.photos[](1) (though that won't work) - so
> I *think* the expectation should read:
> @curr_odontogram.should_receive(:photos[]).with(1).and_return(@photo)
> Give that a try.

I tried this:

and I have this error:

NoMethodError in 'PersonHelper Deberia devolverme un link para eliminar una
undefined method `[]' for :photos:Symbol

> >
> >
> > See you.
> > --
> > Gastón Ramos
> >
> > GNU/Linux Counter user #450312
> > http://gastonramos.wordpress.com/
> >
> > No a la Matricula Obligatoria
> > http://noalamatricula.wordpress.com/about/
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> > rspec-users mailing list
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Gastón Ramos

GNU/Linux Counter user #450312

No a la Matricula Obligatoria 
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