Duh.  I should be using and_return(), not and_yield(), since I am  
actually returning the value
of the instance eval.  The method in question takes one parameter, a  
proc obj (as block).  But
how can I get a handle on that object (since it is anonymous)?


On Aug 7, 2007, at 9:14 PM, Scott Taylor wrote:

> I have the following code, which yields instance eval's the block  
> given:
> class Foo
>    def bar(&blk)
>      instance_eval &blk
>    end
>    def baz
>      yield
>    end
> end
> The effect of this is that self is reassigned:
> Foo.new.bar do
>     # here, self is the instance of Foo
>     # created by new
> end
> But normally self is the object in which
> Foo.new.bar {...} occurs.
> Foo.new.baz do
>    # self is the execution context
>    # in which Foo.new was called,
>    # since a block is a closure
> end
> The second case is easy; it is covered by and_yield (with no  
> arguments).
> Is there some way to spec the first case?  Do I smell the need for a
> patch?
> Scott
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