On 10/15/2007 6:11 PM, Pat Maddox wrote:
> On 10/15/07, James Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just wanted to chime in and say, as a regular user of the folding
>> features of the editor, this is what really resonated with me when
>> Story Runner was first introduced. In fact, I recently did a short
>> presentation to some coworkers and did exactly what is described here:
>> put a story up with folding turned on to show the "story" without
>> accompanying code, and then opened up various folds to show the
>> implementation.
> I don't want my customers to need a code editor to look at specs.  I
> also don't want them to have to understand what :type => RailsStory,
> %{this stuff}, and do...end are.

But how hard would it be to allow .story files to contain an eval block? 
  Then, programmers who are writing stories themselves can keep them in 
one file, and those with end-customers can use two files.

Maybe there's even some way to have the syntax of these blocks match 
Ruby well enough that today's editor-folding-modes work.  Dunno.


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