So if I understand correctly,
The following didn't raise an error:

@audience.stats = 'Market Goblin'
@audience.stats.should raise_error

because audience.stats didn't return an error.

Where as lambda will return an error.

On Jan 29, 2008 10:58 PM, Ben Mabey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Andrew WC Brown wrote:
> > ohhhhh, I left in:
> >
> >   it "should return an error when passed a string" do
> >     @audience.stats = 'Market Goblin'
> >     lambda [EMAIL PROTECTED] = 'Market Goblin'}.should raise_error
> >   end
> >
> > when yours is:
> >
> >   it "should return an error when passed a string" do
> >     lambda [EMAIL PROTECTED] = 'Market Goblin'}.should raise_error
> >   end
> >
> > I've seen lambda before but not sure what it does.
> A lambda in ruby is like a block or a Proc.  There are some differences
> between them, but for this simple use you can just think of it as a
> block of code that will be passed to the 'raise_error' matcher that then
> runs that block of code checking to see if an Exception is raised when
> it is ran.  You can also pass in the specific exception type to be more
> specific.
> As  a personal preference I like to alias lambda to 'running' in my
> spec_helper.rb... I think this reads a lot better:
> running [EMAIL PROTECTED] = 'Market Goblin'}.should raise_error
> For more on lambdas refer to the pickaxe.  If you want more detailed
> information of the subtle differences between them, Procs, blocks, and
> methods check this out:
> -Ben
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