On Sat, 08 Mar 2008 15:51:01 -0500, Zach Dennis wrote:

> I'm heading out of town, but had a quick thought I wanted to share.
> Rather then using ambiguous named request helpers in controller specs
> like "do_request", I've been using more readable helpers like
> "post_create".


> IMO is adds a little more readability when looking at an individual "it"
> behavior on a controller spec. We've been keeping the request helpers as
> the first things immediately following a controller specification, ie:
> "describe SomeController do".
> Thoughts?

I would agree on the readability. The reason I stay with it though is 
that I have some shared behaviors that need to make the call on their 
own. It seems like it would be somewhat less convenient to wrap up or 
alias whatever method was performing a given HTTP verb.

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