
I'm not sure if I'm pushing too far out of specing a given model, but here's what I want to express:

class A < AR::Base
  has_many :bs

  def okay(segment)

class B < AR::Base
  belongs_to :a

it A, "should increase the vote count for a given segment if okayed" do
  @a = A.create(stuff)
  @a.okay(10) # okay segment 10
  # here's where I'm having trouble...
# a.bs should have one row, and it should have a segment number of 10 and various other stuff should happen # subsequent @a.okay with different values should transform numbers in a predictable way. This is handled in # the A model because the transforms occur only in Bs that belong to a given A. @a.bs.find_by_segment_number(10).thingie.should be(1) # not too expressive
@a.bs.find_by_segment_number(9).thingie.should be(1) # still not too expressive @a.bs. find_by_segment_number(9).transformed_thingie.should be(something_else)

This kind of spec smells to me, yet I am having trouble figuring out how to explain, using rspec, exactly what the behavior is to be in a multi-step sequence.

Anybody have thoughts regarding how this might be done better?

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