> Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 17:27:36 -0400
> To: rspec-users@rubyforge.org
> Subject: [rspec-users] Not sure why this controller spec isn't working
> Hey folks,
> I've been mocking and stubbing pretty nicely after the various bits of advice 
> I received earlier about doing so.  I've come to bits of code that work in 
> one place and not in another, though.  I'm hoping it's not something simple 
> I've missed.  The code below fails even though code that is practically the 
> same elsewhere (except different models in use) passes.  What gives?
> I have:
> in notes_controller_spec.rb:
> before(:each) do
>     @mock_note = mock_model(Note, :body => "The hot dog shipment will be in 
> later tonight.",
>                                   :organization => @mock_org)
>     @mock_org = mock_model(Organization, :name => "Slappy's Hot Dog Palace", 
> :notes => [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>     @notes = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   end
> it "should render 'notes/new' when the Note is setup with invalid data, i.e. 
> without a body on POST create" do
>       Note.stub!(:new).and_return(@mock_note)
>       @notes.stub!(:<       post :create, :organization_id => @mock_org.id, 
> :new_note => { :body => @mock_note.body }
>       response.should render_template("notes/new")
>     end
> ---
> in notes_controller.rb:
> def create
>     @new_note = Note.new(params[:new_note])
>     respond_to do |wants|
>       if @organization.notes << @new_note
>         wants.html { redirect_to organization_url(@organization) }
>       else
>         wants.html { render :action => "new" }
>       end
>     end
>   end
> I figured that my stubbing the << method out in the test to return false 
> would do the job of triggering the proper branch of the if statement in the 
> controller action, but I'm not sure why it's not doing so.  I get the error: 
> expected "notes/new", got nil.  I have code in my Users controller that does 
> the exact same thing with the << method and the tests pass (they're virtually 
> identical tests).  Any thoughts?  TIA.
> --Tiffani AB

Where in your create action are you defining @organization? is this variable 
provided from a before filter? If not, that's the first thing you should look 
at.  Another thing I noticed is that your @mock_note defines its organization 
@mock_org before @mock_org is defined... thus probably setting 
@mock_note.organization to nil.

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