The "should_receive" should appear before the "post :create" (look at
this for a better explanation -> )

               it 'should not save the issue' do
                       @issue = mock_model(Issue)

# you should define the "should receive" before calling "post :create"

                       post :create, { :issue => {:title => 'some
title', :description => ''}}

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 10:36 PM, Camilo Torres <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I am learning rspec/rspec-rails and ruby on rails.
> Controller:
> class IssuesController < ApplicationController
>        def index
>        end
>        def new
>                @issue =
>        end
>        def create
>                @issue =[:issue])
>        end
> end
> Spec:
> require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 
> '../spec_helper.rb'))
> describe IssuesController do
>        it 'should sucess on index' do
>                get :index
>                response.should be_success
>        end
>        describe 'create new issue' do
>                it 'should success on new' do
>                        get :new
>                        response.should be_success
>                end
>                it 'should pass a new Issue to the view' do
>                        issue = mock_model(Issue)
>                        Issue.stub!(:new).and_return(issue)
>                        get :new
>                        assigns[:issue].should == issue
>                end
>        end
>        describe 'saving with right data' do
>                it 'should save the issue' do
>                        issue = mock_model(Issue)
>                        Issue.stub!(:new).and_return(issue)
>                        issue.stub!(:save).and_return(:true)
>                        post :create, { :issue => {:title => 'some title', 
> :description =>
> 'some more data to describe'}}
>                        assigns[:issue].should == issue
>                end
>        end
>        describe 'when saving wrong data' do
> #               before(:each) do
> #                       @issue = mock_model(Issue)
> #                       @issue.stub!(:save).and_return(:false)
> #                       Issue.stub!(:new).and_return(@issue)
> #               end
> #               def post_create
> #                       post :create, { :issue => {:title => 'some title', 
> :description =>
> 'some more data to describe'}}
> #               end
>                it 'should not save the issue' do
>                        @issue = mock_model(Issue)
>                        @issue.stub!(:save).and_return(:false)
>                        Issue.stub!(:new).and_return(@issue)
>                        post :create, { :issue => {:title => 'some title', 
> :description => ''}}
>                        @issue.should_receive(:save).and_return(:false)
>                end
> #               it 'should flash the failure to save' do
> #               end
>        end
> end
> Error:
> F....
> 1)
> Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in 'IssuesController when saving
> wrong data should not save the issue'
> Mock 'Issue_1001' expected :save with (any args) once, but received it 0 times
> spec/controllers/issues_controler_spec.rb:51:
> spec/controllers/issues_controler_spec.rb:3:
> Finished in 0.282526 seconds
> 5 examples, 1 failure
> I am running script/autospec.
> ¿What is wrong? I don't understand why this spec is not passing. I
> have tried before(:each) and a helper method, but got the same.
> Please, help.
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