On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Jonathan Linowes
> On Aug 20, 2008, at 2:20 AM, Aslak Hellesøy wrote:
>>  (In Cucumber it's Feature, not Story)
> no offense, but while you're being picky about names, I dont see too much
> difference between 'story' and 'feature'

I see them as very different.

User Stories are inputs to a development process and Features are the outputs.

When I've worked with FitNesse, we had stories on cards and a suite of
FitNesse tests. Sometimes a Story would come up in an iteration that
was an enhancement of an existing feature. In those cases we did not
add new FitNesse tests, but simply enhanced the existing ones instead.
So the FitNesse test suite grew to represent executable documentation
of an existing system, not a tracking system for stories over the
course of iterations.

Had we grouped all the FitNesse tests by the stories as they came in,
in which iteration, etc, etc, they would have been much more difficult
to navigate and maintain.

Automated scenarios live in the same place that FitNesse tests do.
Ideally, we would group them by Story going into an iteration and then
by Feature coming out, but we don't really have a good way of doing

Maybe the right approach would be to group them by neither Story nor
Feature, but rather by execution context. For example, right now I've
got stories that run one happy path scenario and one error path
scenario that run in-browser, accompanied by a more exhaustive set of
error path scenarios that run in-memory. These live in separate Story
files and are only coupled together by their names.

It would be nice if I could have a suite of in-browser scenarios, a
suite of in-memory scenarios that touch the full stack (in rails), and
possibly a suite of scenarios that touch only a given model. Then each
scenario can be tagged to a Story and a Feature, and the runner could
support running everything by Story, Feature or Execution Context,
thus supporting readability, navigability, etc, from a number of
useful perspectives.


> but 'cucumber' is a really random meaningless name
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