There are a number of changes to action pack recently that are
incompatible with rspec. Please report these to lighthouse.


On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 6:12 AM, Sven Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trying to port an existing app to current Rails edge I've seen similar
> things yesterday. I've also updated RSpec/Rails to recent edge.
> Here are two workarounds I've come up with for two of the problems. I'm not
> sure if they cause other problems themselves, but maybe they're still useful
> as a hint.
> I don't feel familiar enough with RSpec's guts to provide a patch.
> #render_partial on ActionView::Base seems to break because the method
> signature has changed.
> #render on ControllerExampleGroup seems to break because #render_file
> apparently has been removed.
> On 23.08.2008, at 00:30, John Reilly wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I think I may have found a bug between rspec and edge rails... But I'm
>> new to this so I'm hoping someone else can confirm before I go filing
>> bug reports.
>> Basically, I'm seeing what "appears" to be my controller specs
>> deciding to load the views, even though I haven't called
>> integrate_views.  When I generate a default rspec_scaffold, the specs
>> fail with an ActionView::TemplateError:
>>> % script/generate rspec_scaffold Bike name:string sku:string
>>> ...
>>> rake spec
>>> ...
>>> Mock 'Bike_1017' received unexpected message :name with (no args)
>>> On line #11 of app/views/index.html.erb
>> If I modify the generated index spec like this, the spec passes:
>> ...snip...
>>> it "should expose all bikes as @bikes" do
>>>  Bike.should_receive(:find).with(:all).and_return([mock_bike])
>>>  # adding these lines cause the spec to pass...
>>>  mock_bike.should_receive(:name)
>>>  mock_bike.should_receive(:sku)
>>>  get :index
>>>  assigns[:bikes].should == [mock_bike]
>>> end
>> ...snip...
>> While this "fixes" the failures, it's no longer an isolated test of
>> the controller.
>> After spending some time with git-bisect, it looks like this problem
>> was introduced in a commit to edge rails:
>> The default rspec_scaffold tests pass before this commit, and fail
>> after this commit.
>> More details here:
>> Am I insane? Or does this happen for anyone else? :-)
>> Thanks,
>> -- John Reilly
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