Last night, I gave a presentation to the DC Ruby Users Group ( ) on Plain Text Stories with Ruby. I spoke on both RSpec Plain Text Stories, which I have used, and Cucumber which I started to dig into a couple of nights ago. You can see the presentation here ( ) if that floats your boat.

You may also note in the linked blog entry that the general consensus at DCRUG (and my own feeling as well) is that Cucumber's scenario syntax perhaps assumes undue technical ignorance on the part of the scenario author(s).

It seems odd to me (and several DCRUGgers) that the hooks into the Scenario steps/substitution points are not apparent by reading the Scenario plain text. That is, you have to read the Scenario step implementations to figure out where the hooks are in the Scenario plain text.

This seems somewhat wrong-headed. As one DCRUGger said to me last night, we should at least assume that Scenario authors can handle a basic Excel spreadsheet. That is, that the Scenario could contain the FIT table column headers so that the Scenarios serve as templates that are specialized by rows in the FIT table. This seems more natural as the substitutions become far clearer just by looking at the plain text.

Disclaimer: My exposure to FIT is limited to a quick read of Ward Cunningham's page on FIT and Cucumber.

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