On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Steve Molitor <stevemoli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> By a global requirement I'm talking about requirements like 'all emails must
> be formatted like this...'  Some people call them constraints, but I'm
> focusing on UI or business rules, not technical things.

You say "must."  That's a programmer's synonym for "should."  And to
me that feels like a level of detail better handled with RSpec
examples, where "should" is central to the domain language, than
Cucumber features (which are more about stimulus and response).  I
know you said "business rules" and that tends to imply Cucumber in a
lot of minds, but a SpecDoc formatted output that lists all the "it
should" text works pretty well for business process description too.

Have Fun,
   Steve Eley (sfe...@gmail.com)
   ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine
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