On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 4:54 AM, Bira <u.alber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I've been lurking in the list a while, and now I would like to ask you
> a somewhat "noobish" question... This is the first time I've run
> across this particular problem, so I'm not sure what to do. I'm sure
> this is so common that's in a textbook somewhere, but what is the best
> way to write specs for code that calls out to an external server?
> I've just started working on a project that will use AMQP messaging
> (and the "amqp" gem), and most of the code I've written so far is all
> about talking to a messaging server. The only alternatives I saw for
> writing specs were starting said server, and mocking/stubbing out all
> the code that would talk to it. I went witht he second one, but I feel
> it's a fragile approach that won't actually allow me to find bugs,
> since everything is mocked out. What is the best way to do this?

I'm not familiar w/ amqp in particular, but one "good" approach is to
use mock objects to evolve a protocol for this service in the language
of your app, and then write an adapter for amqp with a few system
level tests in place to verify happy paths.

This approach does a few good things.

* Keeps you focused on the business domain while writing the business
objects, because you're not sidetracked by the details of messaging.
* Keeps the suite of specs running fast
* Makes it easy to choose a different messaging API later, because all
of the code that depends directly on that API lives in the adapter.


> --
> Bira
> http://compexplicita.wordpress.com
> http://compexplicita.tumblr.com
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