Well I'm reading the 0.4.2 webrat rdoc for fill_in, at it says:
"field can be either the value of a name attribute (i.e. user[email]) or the
text inside a <label>element that points at the <input> field."

Does it also try the id?


On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:03 AM, James Byrne <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:

> Steve Molitor wrote:
> > Is there a way to locate and 'fill in' a text field (or check a check
> > box,
> > select an option, etc.) by id?  It seems that the fill_in method takes
> > either the text of the label pointing to the field or the field name.
> > The
> > are cases when writing cucumber steps when using the HTML id of the
> > input
> > element would be easier, especially when a page has multiple forms with
> > the
> > same labels and input names.
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Steve
> Yes, just provide the text of the id selector, do not add anything else.
> So, for an id="test_this_id" on a button you can write in your
> test/definition:
> click_button("test-this_id")
> --
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