Pablo L. de Miranda wrote:
> @Fernando - So what material you recommend to start a study in rSpec?

This might be heresy, but I suggest that you start with Cucumber and 
simply use RSpec matcher syntax in your step definitions.   Once you 
have the hang of how to express expectations in the step definitions, 
then move on to using RSpec on its own; providing that you still want 

I really did not get the hang of any of this, TDD, BDD, Rails or Ruby 
until I latched on to Cucumber and started -- very, very poorly mind you 
-- to discover how to express behaviour and, more importantly, what 
behaviour to express.  It was, for me, a tumultuous journey and one that 
I am still traveling.

I am now at the point where, simply by expressing one little bit of 
desired bwhaviour in a cucumber scenario, I uncovered a requirement to 
leave Rails for a bit and implement a set of SQL triggers.  This would 
have been discovered at some point anyway, but I rather suspect that 
without BDD the implementation would have been written first in Ruby for 
ActiveRecord only to be discarded sometime later when the need for a 
trigger became manifest.

Peepcode is good, I have watched and learned lots there.  Just recall 
that the episodes go far back in time insofar as Rails and RSpec are 
concerned.  These two products have undergone extensive change since 
many of the episodes were recorded.
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