On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:08 PM, doug livesey <biot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, after an update to all the latest gems, I have a controller spec failing
> that wasn't previously:
>    flash[:alert].should eql( "Blah blah." )
> The flash is being set by "flash.now[:alert] = '...'" in this instance.
> Can anyone suggest how I can make this work again?

I just submitted a patch to ticket #11834 to resolve this issue in rspec-rails:


In the mean time you can manually patch your local rspec-rails (if you
unpack rspec and rspec-rails into vendor/gems or vendor/plugins this
should work fine). Or you can do Xavier suggests on that ticket and
add a few lines to your spec_helper, until rspec-rails is updated.


> Cheers,
>    Doug.
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