+1 what we are doing here is rendering resources in different contexts. In
the original example we are rendering product resources in an order context.
We should let the product define how it should be viewed - after all it
knows best. If we need different views in different contexts then just
create a new partial for product.

Generally for any resource I will create partials for following views
  - detail
  - summary
  - admin_summary

And create other partials for forms etc.

Another plus about this approach is that it helps guide consistency in view
e.g. products look the same in 'my recent orders', 'search for product foo',
'my favourite products' ...

2009/4/19 BJ Clark <b...@aboutus.org>

> The way I go about this is, IMO, pretty straight forward. I cringe when
> people start talking about generating html in models, since I think
> separation of concerns is much more important than law of demeter, and I
> think that the model most definitely shouldn't be concerned with how it
> needs to be displayed.
> In your original example you have:
> @order.items.each do |item|
>  item.product.title
> end
> The way I would do this is:
> @order.items.each do |item|
> render :partial => "product/line_item", :locals => {:product =>
> item.product}
> end
> In other words, I might have the following partials:
> product/_line_item
> product/_product (full representation of product probably for detail page)
> product/_search_item (for display in a search result)
> etc.
> All the partials simply take a product object. There is probably already
> some smart, intention revealing name, but I call them "nanoformats".
> I'm not exactly an Academic, so I have no idea the validity of my approach,
> but this seems to get around the law of demeter enough for me (thought,
> obviously not totally since order still *technically* knows about
> order.items.products). Order doesn't actually know anything about products
> or it's internals, except that it has some. The partial could be reused in
> other places, and with semantic markup, can be displayed in very different
> ways with a little CSS. A change to Product only necessitates changes to the
> app/views/products/* files. Your Orders don't need to know anything, item
> probably doesn't even need to be updated. the partials can be spec'd
> independently of wherever they are being used.
> Your view and your models are always going to be tightly coupled, and a
> change in your domain object should probably necessitate a change in your
> views. That's the way it *should* work. However, your views shouldn't be
> tightly coupled with each other but they will have to be coupled in some way
> or another.
> -----
> BJ Clark
> On Apr 19, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Fernando Perez wrote:
>>   http://spin.atomicobject.com/2008/01/27/the-exceptional-presenter
>> Interesting idea too. So basically I need to totally rethink and
>> refactor the way my views display the information to the customer:
>> Let's see how I currently display or not an add to cart button depending
>> whether or not the product is free.
>> My very first quick and very ugly procedural hard to spec solution was
>> to do in the view:
>> <%- if @product.price >= 0 -%>
>>  <%= display_button %>
>> <%- else -%>
>>  This product is free!
>> <%- end -%>
>> Then my second solution was to create an instance method so that the
>> view doesn't know about the Product internal mechanism about it's
>> freeness:
>> <%- if @product.free? -%>
>> This product is free!
>> <%- else ... -%>
>> Yeah I thought I was an OOP master and Demeter could rest in peace!
>> But thinking about the GOF Builder and Exceptional Presenter design
>> patterns you talk about, that would mean that the html output for a
>> Product should therefore happen in the Model itself. And then in the
>> show.html.erb, I simply call:
>> <%= @product.display -%>
>> and all the magic about whether or not the product is free and to
>> display the button has already been handled inside the model (or another
>> related place) when it gets instantiated. Same applies to
>> item.product.title, that would be handled elsewhere than in the view.
>> However it might clutter the Model, so actually there is more to MVC:
>> each Model should have a sub class or something that handles how the
>> model instance will be presented to the view.
>> How do you handle such issue? Are there some open source rails apps that
>> I could learn from?
>> --
>> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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