Hey Ben,

It'd be kinda cool if there was a sort of before and after for a feature rather than each scenario. Is there?

(Rails context) We often need this. It'd be really helpful for things like when we want to test about 15 things on a particular web page, and they don't require fresh data. We end up with a login and setup type background which gets run every time rather than simply once.

I guess we could refactor it into a set of examples perhaps... would that work? It just strikes me as quite complicated. It'd be awesome if we had sub-scenarios (and they could be specified to levels) ;-) Perhaps I'm just being too complicated.

I loved your rubyconf talk presentation, BTW. We kinda took exception to the bit where you said "Selenium just works", though. There are a number of things where the connection between selenium and webrat is a little tenuous and finicky about.

Also we seem to be having timing issues for AJAX requests with Selenium. Webrat doesn't seem to want to wait until the AJAX request as finished before doing the next thing. Any ideas here?


On 29/04/2009, at 4:28 AM, Ben Mabey wrote:

Arco wrote:
I'd like to do this:

Feature: user signup
  Given I have a cleaned up database
Scenario Outline: Sign Up
  Given I am on the signup page
  When I sign up using <userid>
  Then I should see <message>
  |userid     |message           |
  |userX      |successful signup |
  |userX      |duplicate userid  |

"I have a cleaned up database" runs before every example, making the
second example ('duplicate userid') fail.

You could use Background and it would work just like you want it to:

Feature: user signup
 Given I have a cleaned up database
Scenario Outline: Sign Up
 Given I am on the signup page
 When I sign up using <userid>
 Then I should see <message>
 |userid     |message           |
 |userX      |successful signup |
 |userX      |duplicate userid  |

However, I would not encourage this. You should try to avoid using technical words, such as database, in your features. If anything you could say "Given no users exist" or something like that. Keeping your database clean is something you generally want for every scenario though. So I would suggest putting the code in your "Given I have a cleaned up database" code into a Before block. The wiki has a page on using the Before hook: http://wiki.github.com/aslakhellesoy/cucumber/hooks

Basically, in your env.rb file you will add something like:

Before do
Database.clean! # or however you clean your DB


On Apr 28, 9:38 am, aslak hellesoy <aslak.helle...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Arco <akl...@gmail.com> wrote:

OK - I found a workaround.  I simply tag the first scenario with
'@first', then
do Before('@first') and i get what I want - executing a block once for
the feature file.
Except for one problem: most of my scenarios are done as scenario
outlines, which
are run multiple times - once for each row of my Example table.
A workaround to that problem might be to put a 'dummy' scenario that
is run before the other scenarios in my feature file...
Scenario: Call a before block before running other scenarios...
But this puts junk in my feature files. Is there a better, cleaner

a) Why do you need one thing to happen before a feature?
b) Why can't you do it before each scenario?


On Apr 28, 8:32 am, Arco <akl...@gmail.com> wrote:

I also would like a hook that executes a block once before running a
feature file.
      In my testing i found that:
- Background: executes before each scenario
- Before executes before each scenario
- Before('@tag') executes before each scenario
Is there a way to execute a block once before each feature, but not
before each scenario?
On Apr 28, 7:08 am, aslak hellesoy <aslak.helle...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi -- is it possible to set before and after blocks for individual



Yes. Use tagged hooks:



I've tried putting them in step files, but they just get called


everything, like they'd been declared in env.rb, which is consistent


how I thought cucumber worked, but I thought I'd best try it anyway. Anyway, I have some features that require a specific state be set up


they run -- is this possible to do, and how would I go about doing


Thanks for any & all help,
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